Privacy Notice

This PRIVACY NOTICE details our commitment to the security and privacy of the information we collect about you. Please read the following notice carefully to understand our practices regarding the handling of your personal data.

1. Definitions

There are several definitions listed in the LGPD - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, Law No. 13.709/2018. We have listed below the definitions most relevant to this PRIVACY NOTICE:

Personal data: information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, that is, any data that can identify a person.

Sensitive Personal Data: personal data on racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, affiliation to a union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

Data holder: natural person to whom the personal data that are the object of processing refer, that is, it is YOU!

Data processing: any operation performed with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

Controller: natural or legal person, under public or private law, who are responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data.

Operator: natural or legal person, under public or private law, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Data Officer (Acronym DPO – Data Officer Protection): person appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, the data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

2. Who we are?

AHGORA, a legal entity under private law, registered with the CNPJ/ME under nº 46.869.978/0001-95, with headquarters at Rod. José Carlos Daux, SC 401 Km1, nº 600, Module 08, João Paulo, Florianópolis, SC, is a company that offers innovative technologies and models to the human resources area, valuing differentiated service, transforming customers and employees into partners.

Our purpose is to support, with process automation, so that with our clients we can automate Human Resources routines.

3. Our Data Officer

The Data Officer acts as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), being responsible for managing AHGORA's privacy and data protection activities.

At any time, you can contact our Data Officer, highlighted below, to answer your questions, request clarification regarding your personal data or even exercise the rights provided for in the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), in situations where AHGORA acts as Data Controller.

Data Manager: Ronie Teixeira Leite


4. What do we collect about you?

Personal information means information that can be used to identify you. We collect personal information when you become our customer, employee, partner or supplier; subscribe to our newsletter; fill in our forms; requests technical support; or talk to us through our service channels and instant messaging apps.

When you wish to receive information about our products and services, we ask that you provide your e-mail address, name, mobile/phone number, company and title. When contracting our services, you must also provide financial data, billing address, telephone number or other information relevant to the issuance of the bill, as well as essential data for the preparation of a contract and issuance of invoice.

Your information may also be collected when you leave a comment on our blog, interact on our social networks, or when someone who knows you has indicated their contact.

AHGORA is a service provider, therefore, we may have in our database information about you that was collected by our customers. In this case, we have no decision-making power over this data, where we act only as an Operator and process it as requested by our client, who in this case assumes the role of Controller.

Finally, when you access our website or system, we may also collect information such as: your browser type, IP address of the user's computer, date and time of access. This information can be aggregated to measure number of visits, average time spent, page views and other statistics. We use this data to monitor the performance of our services and thus implement improvements.

5. Why do we handle your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data because you give us your consent or because we are supported by any of the legal bases in force, when necessary to:

Provide a user account

Send order confirmations

Provide access to our products and services

Fulfill your request

Contact you

Assess your business needs to determine the right products

Send updates

Send newsletters

Send marketing communications

Improve our platform

Improve our services

Keep our website secure

Avoid fraud

Create contracts and terms

Issuing and sending billing

Fulfill our contractual obligations

Meet our legitimate interests

Comply with legal obligations

6. Your rights as a data subject

By law, you can ask us what information we have about you, for what purposes we have it, as well as update and correct inaccurate data. If we ask for your consent to process your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time.

Also regarding your data, you have the right to request deletion, blocking, portability, review of automated decisions and information on sharing and international transfers.

When you need more information or wish to exercise your rights, please contact our personal data officer (DPO) informed in the “Our Contact” section.

7. Cookies

We use cookies (which are small files placed on your computer) essential for the functioning and functionality of the website, as well as enabling you to comment on the blog and share on your linkedin.

Cookies Policy

8. Who do we share your data with?

We may share some of your data with our service providers related to the operation of AHGORA. These shares are necessary in order for us to provide services tailored to your needs. Some of these providers are: accounting and financial services, internet and email provider, system developers and cloud storage service.

We use Google and Microsoft tools for storage, communication, analysis, forms and marketing strategies. Therefore, some data such as: phone and/or mobile number, provider IP, geolocation, date and time of access, data entered in our forms, as well as interactions in our social media are shared with Google and Microsoft.

We use providers who are committed to information privacy and security. If you would like to know which companies we use to process some of your personal data, please contact us.

9. Safety

Personal data is treated as confidential and all information you provide to us is stored on secure devices. We put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized manner, altered or disclosed.

We keep our software up to date, perform backup and log records. We use individual, secret, non-transferable and protected credentials, passwords, encryption, digital certificates and other forms of authentication with a level of security compatible with the associated information.

However, we know that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. If you believe that your personal data has been compromised, please contact us as soon as possible.

If we learn of a breach of security systems, we will inform you and the authorities of the breach in accordance with applicable law.

10. How long do we keep your data?

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was provided or collected, which includes complying with any legal requirements. We may also retain personal data to fulfill our legitimate interests, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, resolve legal disputes.

11. Updates to this Privacy Notice

Any changes we may make to our PRIVACY NOTICE in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, we will notify you by email. We invite you to visit our website frequently to check for any updates or changes to our PRIVACY NOTICE.

We will update the version number and date of this document whenever it changes.

This is version 3 of August 29, 2024.